from First Steps to Success
Preparation course for trainees new to UK general practice and the RCGP exam
Start here
About us
Training progress year by year
How to use the course
FREE PREVIEWNew to primary care training - a brief overview
FREE PREVIEWLink to phone 'desktop' resources
International Medical Graduate Information
Communication (New to working in the UK)
Troubleshooting & Avoiding Pitfalls
Hints, Tips and Advice (New to working in the UK)
QUIZ - the NHS
The NHS explained
QUIZ - Which NHS service is used?
When do I refer and what do I prescribe?
QUIZ - New to primary care
FREE PREVIEWUK general practice
FREE PREVIEWPrinciples and concepts of care in general practice
EXERCISE - Concepts of Care
The scope of general practice
To help you start and stay on course
so you can hit the ground running!
Course content based on years of practical GP trainer experience.
Clear structure allows you to progress chronologically or skip to areas of immediate need or interest to you.
The large amount of information you need to know condensed, organised and prioritised, to help you as you begin.
We guide you step-by-step from how to get started through to preparing for the RCGP exams.
Advice on how to avoid common pitfalls and be well prepared from the very beginning of training through to the RCGP exam.
Guidance on how to progress and build skills to prepare for life working as a UK GP.
Videos to introduce topics and practical exercises to put your learning into practice.
All doctors new to UK general practice training, with specific topics for international medical graduates.
To help prepare and equip you for GP training, so you can succeed in your professional exams and thrive in your career as a UK GP.
Guided learning through the different aspects and stages of GP training. Videos, text lessons, quizzes, worked examples and practical exercises to walk you through what you need to know and how to do it. Sections include guidance on first steps, avoiding pitfalls, advice, building skills and RCGP exam preparation.
It depends on your approach. The structure allows you to advance at your own pace either chronologically or by prioritising areas of particular need or interest to you. We would recommend revisiting the material at different stages of your training, which is why you will have access to the course material for 90 days.
Over the years as a GP trainer, I have noticed recurring patterns of trainees struggling with particular aspects of their training. The course was developed to address areas where extra help and support is often needed. There is a lot to learn and put into practice in a short space of time. Attempting to catch up with the necessary knowledge and skills retrospectively leads to problems. The course is designed to inform and equip you to start and stay on the right track.